
Home and Garden ... environments to live in

The shapes and shades of our vases reflect the Italian style, which has always stood out for its elegance and the ability to give a welcoming and pleasant atmosphere.


In an era, marked by the price war, it was preferred to remain well focused on the quality of the product and the reliability of our service, continuing to take care of the product down to the smallest detail. The careful selection of raw materials and the specialized staff dedicated to their craftsmanship typical of the rotational production method are a guarantee of the excellence of our "Made in Italy" products.


The shapes and shades of our vases reflect the Italian style, which has always stood out for its elegance and the ability to give a welcoming and pleasant atmosphere.

It represents our real commitment to our environment and the future generations by adopting ECO-FRIENDLY behaviours and encouraging circular economy.

In view of the evident effects of climate change, we are AWARE of being part of an interconnected system and we want to LIGHTEN our footprint on this planet.
In the production processes, we use RENEWABLE ENERGY and partly RECYCLED raw materials deriving from post-consumer items, to manufacture our 100% RECYCLABLE pots.
Registered Office
Garden Italia Vasi S.r.L.  Via V. Bellini, 22
20025 Legnano -MI

Operational Headquarters

Via Adamello, 8
22070 Locate Varesino - CO - Italy
T +39 0331 823070
T +39 370 376 0524
Business Register:  1951585
REA : MI - MI - 1951585
Fiscal Code / VAT: IT07334340960 
Share capital : 20.000,00 i.v.
C.Addressee: J6URRTW
COPYRIGHT ©  2024 Garden Italia Vasi Srl All rights reserved
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